Corban Ministries currently offers two seminars and has a variety on the way. Check out our Seminars page for information on our current and future seminars.
Hope for Haiti
Haiti is one of the three poorest countries in the world and has close to a 50% survival rate for children under the age of 5. Our ultimate goal is to provide food and clean water to children in the outermost areas of the country while building self-sufficiency. We are currently raising funds for Sustainability Projects, School Sponsorship and Home Building/Repair projects. Corban Ministries has also helped support Greater Works Home For Girls in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Under the Bridge
This project is a spin-off of a ministry spearheaded by Jordan Zito of Word and Worship Church in Murraysville, Pennsylvania. We were moved by the compassion of their group to minister to those living in tents under a bridge in downtown Pittsburgh. Our passion being women and orphans, we developed a similar program that provides home cooked meals, basic necessities and spritirual encouragement the homeless people "Under the Bridge." This passion has spread with us to Dickson, Tennessee and we currently serve the homeless population in Dickson.
Samaritan's Purse
We support Operation Christmas Child by donating filled shoeboxes to be shipped to different destinations all over the world. Our goal this year is to fill 100 shoeboxes and would like that to increase annually.